It is Past Time to Face the Music

Genesis 43: 19- to the end of the chapter

In tonight’s study we discussed these questions:

What is a steward?

Why were the brothers afraid of going to Joseph’s home?

Why did everybody wash their feet during these times?

How did Joseph react to seeing Benjamin?

Why didn’t Joseph eat with his brothers? Why didn’t he eat with the Egyptians?

Why were the brothers perplexed about the seating arrangements at the meal?

What is a “mess” that Benjamin got 5 times more of?

Were the brothers resentful of Benjamin’s portion?

What did the brothers do with their fears?

Who fills our table to overflowing?

What was Joseph using to test his brothers?

It is Not of Me, God Gives Answers of Peace

Genesis 41:1-36

Joseph had previously interpreted the baker and butler’s dreams.
The butler forgot about Joseph in the prison for two years.
The kine in Pharoah’s dream were a form of an idol that they worshiped.
Joseph always gave God the credit for interpreting the dreams
Pharoah called for his magicians first to interpret his dreams. Other names for magician is astrologer, diviner. It means being posessed of occult knowledge.
Pharoah just wanted peace from these dreams.

Joeseph Interprets Two Prisoners' Dreams

Genesis 40:1-5

1- Butler and Baker offended the King
2 - The king was greatly angered
3 - God worked it out that the Butler and Baker were both put into the same place as Joseph
4 - Joseph was in charge over them.
5 - Butler and Baker each had dreams that could be interpreted. We don’t have dreams from God today because we have God’s messages to us from the Bible.

Conversation in this lesson is on offences.